About us

The hemodialisishdf.mx information portal was founded in 2020 with the aim of bringing people closer to a greater understanding of comprehensive health, focusing its content on the dissemination and communication of the body responsible for eliminating, among other aspects, waste and excess fluid from the body: the kidney. Hemodialysis HDF is an academic society and physicians who specialize in treating the general health of your kidneys.

Our mission

Offer the best care to our kidney patients, through specialized treatments that support them to lead a more dignified and healthy quality of life. In addition, to share with the general public a space where they can learn about the importance of staying healthy. And, thus, promote the creation and dissemination of research projects of the main health authorities.

We are your allies

Our duty is to serve and help society, both regional and international, offering a better quality of life. We want to be the long-term allies of people interested in improving their overall health and to be the bridge of improvement for all our kidney patients.

Services briefcase

Our staff is highly qualified to provide you with professional care, as well as being empathetic with your needs and worrying that you have the greatest comfort in our facilities. The HDF Hemodialysis staff will ensure your well-being before, during and after your treatment. And, most importantly, you will always receive dignified and respectful attention.