To know what hemodiafiltration (HDF) consists of, it is essential to know the concept of hemodialysis. So, traditional hemodialysis cleans the blood by taking advantage of the differences in concentration that exist between the blood and the liquid called dialysate that passes outside the tubes or capillaries that are the external filter of the dialysis machine, and that are part of the external filter of machine.

Hemodiafiltration performs a similar process, but also pushes several liters of serum through the membrane allowing larger, more toxic substances to be cleaned out.

Hemodiafiltration is especially indicated in patients whose blood pressure is unstable. It is also indicated in patients who may require dialysis for several years, that is, whose chances of transplantation are low.

Hemodiafiltration (HDF) is a form of renal replacement therapy that uses convection in combination with diffusive clearance, which is used in standard hemodialysis. Compared to standard hemodialysis, HDF removes more medium molecular weight solutes. Some, but not all, studies have suggested that HDF is associated with better clinical outcomes, provided adequate convective volumes are achieved.