medical Apr 05
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When children have only one kidney, this condition is known as a "solitary" or "bachelor" kidney. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located around the midsection of your child's back. Children with only one kidney rely on that organ to filter impurities and excess fluid from the blood and other vital functions, which is why the advice I'm about to give you in this blog will help you take care of your kidney. child.

When the child is old enough to understand his condition, it is necessary to explain to him that he only has one kidney and how he can help his guardians or parents take care of himself.

But why are there children with only one kidney? The causes are varied:

  • The child is born with only one kidney (renal agenesis). This occurs in about one in a thousand children.
  • One child is born with a healthy kidney but the other one that does not work well or does not work at all (renal dysplasia).
  • A child can lose a kidney due to injury or disease such as cancer, this is because 

The kidneys help your child's body function by filtering impurities and excess fluid from the blood, as well as helping to produce urine and maintain normal blood pressure. They also help produce hormones that regulate the child's body, and also help maintain a balance of minerals in the blood.

As you can see, the kidneys are responsible for quite a few things to keep the body running, so it's important to protect them well, whether your child has one or two.

If your child has only one kidney, consider these tips

If the solitary kidney is working well, it can lead a normal, long and healthy life, however, it does require care. If that solitary kidney doesn't work well, either through injury or disease, it will require dialysis or a transplant. Here, I share some tips on how to take care of it.

• Talk to your pediatrician to find out if you will need long-term care by a urologist or nephrologist. Your pediatrician may order a routine blood and urine test to see how that lonely kidney is working.

• You can order a “Medical Alert” bracelet or band for your child to wear all the time, and to announce that your child only has one kidney. This is a great idea to alert doctors, nurses, and paramedics in the event of an emergency.

• When the child is old enough to understand, their situation must be explained to them, so that they learn to take care of themselves.

• It is essential that children with only one kidney eat healthy and nutritious meals to keep their body in optimal functioning. Talk to your pediatrician for any nutritional recommendations or restrictions.

• Try to avoid injury. For example, always buckle him up in the car and avoid putting him in a situation where he could suffer bodily injury such as allowing him to jump great heights on playground equipment.

• Make sure he doesn't get into physical fights with other siblings or kids on the playground. 

• You can do non-contact sports (such as swimming, running, golf, sailing, tennis, and dance). If your child is interested in participating in high-impact contact sports, consult with his pediatrician, urologist, or nephrologist.

• Make sure the school health office knows about your child's solitary kidney status, particularly if physical education guidelines are required.

I hope you learned something new this day. I think the take home message is to do everything you can to keep your kids healthy and safe.